الثلاثاء، 15 ديسمبر 2009

Human cloning

                Human cloning:-
Did not reach the flag and technological:
      Developments that we see today, but perseverance and scientific research and what we see today all the organs of sophisticated science and advanced the idea began to operate in the mind of someone and then developed by others and others that arrived today from what we see the reality was a day of days of pure Imagination and hope to become the idea of human cloning a reality someday solve many outstanding issues that had not reached medicine to solve what kinds of cloning, and its uses and its objectives???
Is the process of formation of a living organism using cells from non-genetic cells of the body and here we mean cell genetic animal sperm and egg, and this object referring be identical in terms of genes derived from animal cell physical and this operation is carried out following steps: --
 Somatic cell taken from the organism first place than any of the body and are emptied and the separation of these cell
nucleus containing genetic material of any full 46 chromosome.
 To be introducing the nucleus of being No. 1 within the circle of the egg nucleus of being No. 2 and after exposing them to shipments of electrical division occurs in the cell nucleus composed of Jenin again be a replica of being No. 1 in terms of genetic composition, but it is wrong to believe that this similarity is 100% because there is genetic material found in Almetukondria found in animal egg No. 2, which may change the composition of the new organism and make a difference when simple.
What about human cloning???

These operations are still currently very limited because of government restrictions on such research because of their problems threaten human generation since most tests in the area failed and they need to finance significant material and high-level expertise in that 90% of the tests fail to Composition of Jenin, more than 100 cell nucleus transfer process may require the composition of Jenin and a successful one.
  . There are also other impediments to this research, including animals that formed through cloning suffer from serious weaknesses in the immune system, and also the speed of infection, especially oncological malignancies and other diseases which affect the nervous system and believed that there were problems in the mental aspects, which proved difficult for cloned animals For lack of need for mental capacities such as human as well as some researchers have found in Japan that live animals reproduced the situation of poor health and many of them suffer sudden death.
     And it is worth mentioning here that an international Dolly was killed in February 2003 after being infected needle particularly lung cancer and severe disability and acute arthritis age 7 years despite the fact that their peers have reached the age of 11-12 years and after the autopsy found free of any problems except for cancer Lung and arthritis.
 . Each result of the foregoing it is necessary to take drastic measures to prevent such conduct experiments on human beings and have been issued strict laws in most countries of the world including America, Europe and Japan to ban such tests.
  Applications of cloning for infertility treatment: --
   -- From modern applications of cloning is the process toward so-called genetic material (Haplodization) and by taking the nucleus of the cell physical condition and the first animal genetic material in special ways to become a chromosome containing 23 eggs and merged to become the second animal cell formed on chromosome 46 of the first half Animal 1 and the second half of the animals 2 and is very similar to the natural fertilization process.
   -- Other therapeutic method is the use of the sterility of stem cells, and here the goal is to reach a cell genetic animal sperm or egg of these stem cells.
  . Steps began this research develop multiple types of these stem cells and then you take the group that began the shift to the cells and the nationality of this group continue to grow brands in the fabric is taken from the ovary and testis or have been conducting this experiment on the laboratory mouse, and after 3 months, began Animal sperm are fugitives.
    And benefit from this type of testing patients exposed to chemical treatment with stem cells are frozen animal sperm before starting treatment and then be re-cultivated in the testis after the completion of the treatment programme.
   And as is the case for the production of Sperm it is possible to produce eggs the same way.
  And come back and say that the ideas evolve and succeed, perseverance and the great tree began stub and may become a problem of infertility, which read a lot of couples have problems simple and easy and becomes every couple of great hope in obtaining child Jamil Saad approaching this problem and the sad end of the Valley A .bright future, God willing .



Hygiene is an essential factor for the advancement and prosperity
Interested in human societies and physical health of its members to live strong body and mind are able to work, inventiveness, and shoulder the responsibilities of life, because: "a healthy mind in a sound body" and "No human being can live a life of true sound only if the life clean in all areas and
 The monotheistic religions and of religion of Islam urged hygiene in all, in the clothing and body, being the basis of safety and health, so that it requires to clean up some members of the Muslim body, especially those used in its daily five times a day, but make it a daily routine of worship in order to ensure purity and purity of these organs and cleanliness.
Hygiene is an essential factor for civilized society
Hygiene plays a major role in the prosperity and progress of nations, as they address Tamaddonih and attended, there is an advanced and only sees bear in mind the hygiene and health imperatives to build a society free from impurities and parasitic social, and even religions took care of her and gave her interest in front - . Where given priority in the life of the individual, Maintaining the cleanliness of body, mind, urged by the Islamic religion of the individual to live a strong healthy body, the body capable of innovation, execution, and assume the responsibilities of life, the fact that a healthy mind in a healthy body, because it can not be any person who, to live safe and healthy life, but if a clean body, mind, and the religion of Islam gave it everything. Where he worked cleaning the individual who is an element of the composition of society, if the individual is a clean community was a good clean fit. And has enjoined upon his body clean to ensure the continued purity and cleanliness in many verses, where he says the Almighty: "O you who believe if you have to pray, wash your faces and your hands to rub Brauskm facilities and feet to the ankles.
Care as well as clean clothing and a place where it is reflected in the Ptnzifama and Ttherhma, but the clearance of clothes, of great importance. If the rights to take care of Bmlbsa and place and was keen to Nzafthma have the duty and national religious, and contributed to a cleaner community and its neighbors, and here the apostle says "Y": that God loves a good perfume, like a clean hygiene, "and then says:" Venzvo Ovidtkm (hearts ) and not be conformed to the Jews "because the neglect of hygiene objects and space is one of the bad habits.
Hygiene in the service of physical and mental health
                 The cleanliness of the beauty and the beauty of this impact on HH the souls of individuals, their objectives, and access to its purpose, and is a manifestation of complete harmony of the individual psychologically and socially, to the vicinity of society and its citizens, where the individual must take every means the beauty of the suitable appearance for an individual sound, all This would give a good picture of our society that the cleanliness of the people, what is proof of the attended and creation. It is also proof of completion of appreciation for his presence and his life, and all this would protect the health of individuals and preventable diseases that afflicted by the fact that the most expensive health What has the individual in his life. Therefore, he must care for and look after her, and is not a weapon only physically, but have a profound impact in strengthening the self-empowerment and rights from the burdens of life and society, and what dire need of our people to lead a healthy body clean the patient, he says, peace be upon him : "The strong believer is better than the weak believer," where purity and cleanliness and honor and duty to a proliferation of works that, whatever the daily body should not be left neglected.
 And hygiene are not limited to the individual alone, but extends on where you live and the community where he lived with members of the community, where clean and cleansed of all waste and waste so as not to serve as a source of the ills and diseases. And even the community will be in the form of a supervisor. Here are aware that the cleanliness of the basis of physical and mental health. And the title of the social consciousness of a people, for everyone to keep maintaining the integrity of his body and mind, and the community, because the failure to maintain things and dumping of waste and litter in public places and private work is not in favor of the individual and society. Together, but also cause the development of disease and serious harm to the society.
The necessary measures to build a clean society
We found that the cleanliness factor of civilization, so our boys have been giving great attention to hygiene at all levels, so that is devoted weeks of each year in which Tnzivip media campaigns and material support to public and private places, to make the Algerian society, clean, free of all impurities that are detrimental to affluent societies.
          Therefore Vmojtmena Algerian adhering to the principles of morality and religion Islam Saher to create a clean society Ideally, keep aware of hygiene. But we must all of us individually and Jmat to intensify our efforts and cooperate to make the question of the individual and cleaner surroundings of the issue of renewable and permanent and that diligence to take
various preventive measures and ensure the proper application. One of these measures:
1 - The media organs raising public health education and collaboration with stakeholders, health awareness campaigns in villages, cities and rural areas.
2 - continuing (and to do b) clean-up campaigns and coverage of public spaces and private.
3 - stringent hygiene control in public places, restaurants, cafes, parks ... etc.
4 - the age of strict laws on violators of the rules of universal mandatory health and clean neighborhoods, cities intravenously disinfectant.

These measures with the public awareness of hygiene and health, we can create a society civilized Egypt refined clean.



النظافة عامل أساسي للرّقي و الازدهار
تهتمّ المجتمعات الإنسانية بالصحّة البدنية لأفرادها ليعيشوا أقوياء جسماً و عقلاً قادرين على العمل و الابتكار و تحمّل مسئوليات الحياة ، لأنّ :" العقل السليم في الجسم السليم " و لا يمكن لأي إنسان أن يعيش حياة صحيحة سليمة  إلاّ إذا كانت هذه الحياة نظيفة في كل المجالات و الميادين .
 كما أنّ الديانات السماوية و منها الدِّين الإسلامي الحنيف حثّت على النظافة في كل  شيء ، في  الملبس و البدن ،لكونها أساس السلامة و الصحة ، حتى أنّه أوجب على المسلم تنظيف بعض أعضاء جسمه و خاصّة  تلك التي يستخدمها في أعماله اليومية خمس مرات في اليوم ، بل جعل ذلك عبادة يومية متكررة ضمانا لنقاوة و طهارة هذه الأعضاء ونظافتها .
النظافة عامل أساسي لتحضّر المجتمعات
تلعب النظافة دورًا كبيرًا في رُقي الأمم و ازدهارها ، لكونها عنوان تمدّنها و تحضّرها ، فما من مجتمع متقدّم إلاّ و تراه يضع  نصب عينيه النظافة و الصحة كشرطين أساسيين لبناء مجتمع خالٍ من الشوائب الاجتماعية و الطفيلية ، و حتى الديانات السماوية اهتمت بها و أعطتها اهتمامها الأوفر . حيث أعطتها الأولوية في حياة الفرد ، فالمحافظة على نظافة الجسم و العقل حثّ عليها ديننا الإسلامي كي يعيش الفرد قوي الجسم سليم البدن قادراً على الابتكار و التنفيذ و تحمّل مسؤوليات  الحياة ، لكون العقل السليم في الجسم السليم ، لأنّه لا يمكن لأي شخص كان ،  أن يحيا حياة آمنة سليمة ، إلاّ إذا كان نظيف الجسم و العقل و الدين الإسلامي أفرد لها كل شيء. حيث اهتم بنظافة الفرد الذي هو عنصر من عناصر تكوين المجتمع ، فإذا كان الفرد نظيفاً صالحاً كان المجتمع نظيفاً صالحاً . و قد أوجب عليه تنظيف جسمه ضماناً لاستمرار طهارته و نظافته في العديد من الآيات القرآنية ،  حيث يقول سبحانه  و تعالى: " يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا إِذَا قُمْتُمْ إِلَى الصَّلَاةِ فَاغْسِلُوا وُجُوهَكُمْ وَأَيْدِيَكُمْ إِلَى الْمَرَافِقِ وَامْسَحُوا بِرُءُوسِكُمْ وَأَرْجُلَكُمْ إِلَى الْكَعْبَيْنِ .
وكذلك اهتم بنظافة الملبس والمكان حيث يتجلى في الأمر بتنظيفهما و تطهيرهما ،  بل عن تطهير الثياب  ، له أهمية كبيرة . فإذا قام الإنسان بالاعتناء بملبسه و مكانه و حرص على نظافتهما يكون قد قام بواجب وطني ديني و ساهم في نظافة مجتمعه و جيرانه وهنا يقول الرسول"  ص" :إن الله تعالى طيّب يحبّ الطيب ، نظيف يحب النظافة " ثم يقول : " فنظّفوا أفئدتكم ( قلوبكم ) و لا تتشبهوا باليهود " لأنّ إهمال نظافة الأجسام و الأمكنة هي من العادات السيئة  .

النظافة في خدمة الصحة البدنية و العقلية
                 إنّ النظافة لجمال  و لهذا الجمال أثره في سمو نفوس الأفراد ، في أهدافها و وصولها لغايتها ،  و هو مظهر من مظاهر اكتمال الفرد نفسيا و تناسقه اجتماعيا مع محيط مجتمعه  ومواطنيه ، حيث يجب أن يتّخذ الفرد كل الوسائل الجمال للظهور بالمظهر اللائق كفرد صالح سليم ، كل هذا من شأنه أن يعطي صورة حسنة  لمجتمعنا لكون نظافة شعب ،ما هي إلاّ دليل على مدى تحضّره و خلقه .كما أنّها  دليل على استكمال تقديره لوجوده و حياته ،و كل هذا من شأنه حماية صحة الأفراد و وقايتها من الأمراض التي تحيق بها لكون الصحة أغلى ما يملك الفرد في حياته. لذلك يجب عليه الحرص عليها و الاعتناء بها،و هي ليست سلاحا ماديا فقط ،  بل لها أثرها العميق في تقوية  النفس و تمكين الإنسان من النهوض بأعباء حياته و مجتمعه ،و ما أحوج أبناء شعبنا إلى الجسم النظيف القوي السليم الصبور ،  إذ يقول عليه الصلاة والسلام :"المؤمن القوي خير من المؤمن الضعيف" حيث طهارته و نظافته تكريم و واجب لأنّه مهما تكاثرت الأشغال اليومية فلا ينبغي ترك الجسم مهملاً .
 و النظافة لا تقتصر على الفرد وحده ،بل تمتد على المكان الذي يسكن فيه و المجتمع الذي يعيش فيه مع أبناء مجتمعه ،حيث تنظف و تطهر من جميع الفضلات و النفايات لئلا تكون بمثابة مصدر للعلل والأمراض. و حتى يكون المجتمع في صورة مشرفة. من هنا ندرك من أنّ النظافة أساس الصحة البدنية و العقلية . و هي عنوان الوعي الاجتماعي لأي شعب ، فعلى كل فرد المحافظة عليها ليحافظ على سلامة جسمه ، و عقله ، و مجتمعه ، لأنّ عدم المحافظة على الأشياء و إلقاء الفضلات و الأوساخ في الأماكن العامة ، و الخاصة هو عمل في غير صالح الفرد و  المجتمع . معاً بل سبب في إصابته بالأمراض الخطيرة والإساءة لمجتمعه .  
التدابير الضرورية لبناء مجتمع نظيف
تبيّن لنا أنّ النظافة عامل حضاري ، لذلك ما فتئت دولتنا الفتية تعطي للنظافة اهتماما  كبيراً  على جميع المستويات ، بحيث أفردت لها أسابيع من كل سنة تقوم فيه بحملات تنظيفية إعلامياً و ماديا للأماكن العامة و الخاصة ، لجعل المجتمع الجزائري نظيفا خاليا من كافة الشوائب التي تسيء إلى المجتمعات الراقية.
          لذلك فمجتمعنا الجزائري المتمسك بمبادئ و أخلاق دينه الحنيف ساهر على خلق مجتمع نظيف مثالي ، يعي ابعاد النظافة .غير أنّه  يجب علينا جميعا أفرادا و جمعات أن نكثف جهودنا و نتعاون على جعل مسألة نظافة الفرد و ما يحيط به مسألة متجددة و دائمة وذلك بالحرص على اتخاذ التدابير الوقائية المختلفة و السهر على حسن تطبيقها . ومن هذه التدابير :

1- قيام أجهز الإعلام بتربية الجماهير تربية صحية و بالتعاون مع الجهات المعنية بالأمر بحملات التوعية الصحية في القرى و المدن و الأرياف .
2- استمرار ( و القيام بـ )حملات النظافة و شموليتها للأماكن العامة والخاصة .
3- الصرامة في الرقابة الصحية على الأماكن العمومية والمطاعم والمقاهي و الحدائق ...الخ
4- سن قوانين صارمة على مخالفي قواعد الصحة و تعميم إجبارية تطهير الأحياء و المدن بالمحاليل المطهّرة .

بهذه التدابير مع الوعي الجماهيري لقواعد النظافة و الصحة نستطيع خلق مجتمع مصري متمدن راق نظيف .

The financial crisis and its impact on the Egyptian economy

The financial crisis and its impact on the Egyptian economy

Description of the U.S. economic Trevor Williams, financial analyst and economist at Lloyd's that what happened in America is the bubble bursting, and added that no one knows economists truly how and when it ends .. End?
No one can deny that this frightening fall of the U.S. economy will lead to serious consequences in the global economy and the U.S. economy itself, but what is the impact of these variables of the new global capitalist economy on the Egyptian economy and the limited-looking and may be referred to the expected impacts at various points as follows:
First, the impact of the Egyptian trade balance is expected directly affected by the lack of trade is expected that with the United States and Europe, especially in the export of garments, which export 60% of them to the United States and 35% to Europe, as well as fruits and vegetables and Egyptian products food and that will be affected by 12% this year, according to U.S. Export Council of Egypt.
The Suez Canal revenues are expected to decline by between 15% and 20% reduced movement of international trade between the United States, Europe and Southeast Asia affected by the disaster of Finance and the Egyptian stock market has plummeted, as has already happened, where Lost shares many of the companies more than 75% of their value in from the terrible loss to the Egyptian bourse after the holiday Eid al-Fitr directly, and the book value of the losses amounted to about 315 billion pounds of shares of companies in the stock market speculation and there are 12 Egyptian companies it GDRs in international stock markets have been particularly affected by the fall of global stock markets and the investments of individuals Egyptian Governor of securities abroad had been directly affected, with an estimated value of the funds to individuals in the Egyptian stock market by approximately $ 960 million.
The Egyptian banking sector, which is filed balances abroad of up to about 123 billion pounds as it is expected to be affected
June .2008 Egyptian banks and investments in foreign securities amounted to more than 15 billion
For the general budget of the State is expected to face a decline in foreign investments in Egypt, which directly contribute to the construction of new projects and increased economic activity and employment and the Egyptian collection of taxes, insurance and fees, not to mention the volume of losses in foreign trade export and import around 6 billion dollars compared to last year, including $ 4 billion exports and $ 2 billion and imports compared to last year 2008/2007 (a statement to the Minister of Economic Development), although the low price of oil and cereals, oils and minerals, iron, copper and aluminum about 35% would be in favor of Egypt and ease pressure on the subsidies provided to eliminate the monopolies, known to all in the steel, cement, fertilizers, building materials, which eases and reduces the budget deficit.
The Egyptian real estate market has witnessed a slowdown in the coming period to increase the supply of the required especially in posh housing units were affected by the movement of the mortgage crisis, although in minimal as well as the fear of potential buyers of what is happening in the global economy and its impact on the Egyptian economy, particularly in the local real estate crisis is expected for prices to decline within 15% to 20%.
All these expected results of the fall of the great American economy and global recession expected in many aspects of the implications of our daily lives leads us to the need to declare a state of emergency attention and Egypt, which will see the Egyptian economy affected with the passage of real time, as President Mubarak said during his recent visit to France.
It is indispensable to look for new partners to get our economy away from participating American and European .. and open new markets for our products in Africa, Asia, Australia, South America and support of Egyptian exports and encourage the Government is expected to play a role in such cases and difficult situations such as activating a large-scale industries and to stimulate domestic demand and enter as an influential actor in the industry and internal and external trade and international tourism and increased public spending on state infrastructure projects, major projects in order to contribute in the rotation and the investment of public funds and funds of banks and alleviate unemployment and expected not to leave a strong capital market to play and speculation without real control to ensure market stability and security so as not to fall We are also cursed to fall into the trap that has killed adults from us.

الأزمة المالية وتأثيرها علي الاقتصاد المصري

الأزمة المالية وتأثيرها علي الاقتصاد المصري

وصف الاقتصادي الأمريكي تريفور ويليامز المحلل المالي والاقتصادي بمؤسسة لويدز أن ما حدث بأمريكا هو انفجار الفقاعة‏,‏ وأضاف أنه لا أحد يعرف من الاقتصاديين بشكل حقيقي كيف تنتهي ومتي.. تنتهي؟

ولا أحد ينكر أن هذا السقوط المخيف للاقتصاد الأمريكي سوف يؤدي إلي عواقب وخيمة في الاقتصاد العالمي والاقتصاد الأمريكي نفسه‏,‏ ولكن ما يعنينا هو تأثير هذه المتغيرات العالمية الجديدة للاقتصاد الرأسمالي علي اقتصادنا المصري المحدود والمتطلع ويمكن الإشارة إلي هذه التأثيرات المتوقعة في عدة نقاط علي النحو التالي‏:‏

أولا تأثير الميزان التجاري المصري المتوقع بشكل مباشر من جراء نقص التبادل التجاري المتوقع مع الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وأوروبا خاصة في مجال تصدير الملابس الجاهزة والتي نصدر نسبة‏60%‏ منها إلي أمريكا و‏35%‏ إلي أوروبا‏,‏ وكذلك الفواكه والخضراوات المصرية والمنتجات الغذائية والتي ستتأثر بنسبة‏12%‏ هذا العام حسب تصريحات المجلس التصديري المصري‏.‏

أما إيرادات قناة السويس فمن المتوقع أن تنخفض بنسب تتراوح بين‏15%‏ و‏20%‏ لتقلص حركة التجارة العالمية بين الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا ودول جنوب شرق آسيا تأثرا بالكارثة المالية وكانت البورصة المالية المصرية قد شهدت تراجعا‏,‏ وهو ما حدث بالفعل حيث فقدت أسهم العديد من الشركات أكثر من‏75%‏ من قيمتها في السقوط المروع للبورصة المصرية بعد اجازة عيد الفطر المبارك مباشرة‏,‏ وبلغت قيمة الخسائر الدفترية نحو‏315‏ مليار جنيه لأسهم الشركات المضاربة في البورصة كما أن هناك‏12‏ شركة مصرية لها شهادات إيداع دولية في البورصات العالمية تأثرت تأثرا بالغا من سقوط البورصات العالمية ـ كما أن استثمارات الأفراد المصريين بمحافظ الأوراق المالية بالخارج قد تأثرت تأثرا مباشرا‏,‏ وتقدر قيمة الأموال المصرية للأفراد في البورصات الدولية بنحو‏960‏ مليون دولار‏.‏

القطاع المصرفي المصري الذي يودع أرصدة بالخارج تصل إلي نحو‏123‏ مليار جنيه كما أنه من المتوقع أن يتأثر

في يونيو‏.2008 واستثمارات البنوك المصرية في الأوراق المالية الأجنبية بلغت أكثر من‏15‏ مليار‏

وبالنسبة للموازنة العامة للدولة فمن المتوقع أن تواجه تراجعا للاستثمارات الأجنبية في مصر والتي تسهم بشكل مباشر في إنشاء مشروعات جديدة وزيادة النشاط الاقتصادي وتشغيل العمالة المصرية وتحصيل الضرائب والتأمينات والرسوم العامة‏,‏ هذا بخلاف حجم الخسائر في حركة التجارة الخارجية تصديرا واستيرادا بنحو‏6‏ مليارات دولار مقارنة بالعام الماضي‏,‏ منها‏4‏ مليارات دولار صادرات و‏2‏ مليار دولار واردات ذلك مقارنة بالعام الماضي‏2008/2007(‏ تصريح لوزير التنمية الاقتصادية‏)‏ وإن كان انخفاض أسعار البترول والحبوب الغذائية والزيوت والمعادن والحديد والنحاس والألمونيوم بنحو‏35%‏ سيكون في صالح مصر وتخفيف الضغوط علي مبالغ الدعم بشرط القضاء علي الاحتكارات المعروفة للجميع في صناعات الحديد والأسمنت والأسمدة ومواد البناء مما يخفف ويقلل عجز الموازنة‏.‏

أما سوق العقار المصري فقد شهدت تباطؤا في الفترة القادمة لزيادة المعروض عن المطلوب خاصة في الإسكان الفاخر وتأثر حركة التمويل العقاري بالأزمة ـ وإن كان في أضيق الحدود ـ وكذلك لتخوف المشترين المتوقعين مما يحدث في الاقتصاد العالمي وتأثيره علي الاقتصاد المصري المحلي خاصة في أزمة العقارات ومن المتوقع أن تنخفض الأسعار في حدود‏15%‏ إلي‏20%.‏

إن كل هذه النتائج المتوقعة للسقوط العظيم للاقتصاد الأمريكي والعالمي والكساد المتوقع في جوانب كثيرة من تداعيات حياتنا اليومية يدفعنا إلي ضرورة إعلان حالة الانتباه والطواريء المصرية‏,‏ حيث سيشهد الاقتصاد المصري تأثرا حقيقيا مع مرور الوقت كما قال الرئيس مبارك في أثناء زيارته الأخيرة لفرنسا‏.‏

ولا مفر من أن نبحث عن شركاء جدد لدفع اقتصادنا بعيدا عن المشاركة الأمريكية والأوروبية‏..‏ وفتح أسواق جديدة لمنتجاتنا في إفريقيا وآسيا واستراليا وأمريكا الجنوبية ودعم الصادرات المصرية وتشجيع الحكومة لتلعب دورها المنتظر في مثل هذه الحالات والمواقف الصعبة مثل تنشيط الصناعات الكبيرة وتحفيز الطلب المحلي والدخول كلاعب مؤثر في الصناعة والتجارة الداخلية والخارجية والسياحة الدولية وزيادة الانفاق العام الحكومي علي مشروعات البنية الأساسية والمشروعات الكبري حتي تسهم في دوران واستثمار الأموال العامة وأموال البنوك وتخفيف حدة البطالة المتوقعة وعدم ترك قوي السوق الرأسمالية للعب والمضاربة بلا مراقبة حقيقية تضمن استقرار السوق وأمنها حتي لا نقع نحن أيضا في فخ السقوط الملعون الذي سقط فيه الكبار من قبلنا‏.‏

Unemployment in Egypt


It's really a disaster requiring stand .. He drew attention .. In fact, confirms that the unemployment rates on the rise, everyone is trying to find a way out of crisis, but obviously it's getting away!!

In the following lines are trying to approach the root of the problem objectively and without history and dumping accusations in an attempt to find out the details and dimensions of the issue in an attempt to find the right way

And unemployment, in general, is an expression of failure in achieving the goals of work in human societies, and where the ends of the Multiple, multiple concepts is intended open unemployment unemployment and presence of able and willing to work in, but they do not find a job and, unfortunately, restrict attention to unemployment, in many cases, the open unemployment only. Start here to search for the problem of modest and disaster unemployment ....

Unemployment is an economic phenomenon began to appear significantly with the booming industry as it was not the meaning of unemployment in the traditional rural communities. According to the ILO, the unemployed is all capable and willing to work in it, and are looking for, and accepted at the level of the prevailing wage, but to no avail. With this definition it is clear that not all of the unemployed does not work, and pupils with disabilities and the elderly and retirees, and has lost hope of finding work and employers are provisional and essential work are not considered unemployed

. The problem of unemployment is one of the most serious problems that threaten the stability and cohesion of the Arab community, but we find that the causes of unemployment vary from society to society so that it differs within the same society from one area to another, there are economic reasons and other social and political and other, but both of which affect the community and exacerbates problem of unemployment.

Can point to three major types of unemployment are:

* Cyclical unemployment (structural) and the resulting periodicity of the capitalist system is always in transition between recovery and economic expansion and contraction and the economic crisis resulting in cessation of employment and venting of the crisis lay off workers.
* Frictional unemployment is the result of movement of workers between jobs and sectors and regions or lack of information regarding job opportunities available.
* Unemployment associated with the structuring of the economy and resulting from the change in the structure of demand for products or technological advances, or where industries move to other countries in search of better conditions of exploitation and for a higher profit.

* Disguised unemployment.

It is pursuant to a state of secondary causes does not provide a sufficiency of livelihood, or that a few individuals working together in the work can be played by one individual or two of them. In both cases the person does not act commensurate with his abilities and energy to work.

Is the sum of those able to work and who want it and seek him and accept the prevailing wage, but to no avail It means deprivation, hunger, crime, begging and extremism, and dealing with the instability of political and social systems and dealing with significant morbidity and increased mortality, a global crisis because there are a billion people in the world without any work the equivalent of 30 % of the work.

It is a waste of the energies of the community effort to deprive society of his sons and the loss of the community spent on their education (70% of graduates of universities and secondary schools without a job).

It is a crisis is difficult and complicated in that one because of the deep roots which grew this crisis and of the (economic underdevelopment - our weakness in the global economy - the failure of development efforts - the external debt crisis - to comply with the programs dictated by the shrinkage Abanna the donor country) and economists is that the extent of the problem of security unemployment is 4% of the labor force and that a disaster is to shut down one of every 6 workers and the ratio in our country is 17.5% to 20 %......!!!!

As unemployment is the sum of those able to work and who want it and seek him and accept the prevailing wage, but to no avail It means deprivation, hunger, crime, begging and extremism, and dealing with the instability of political and social systems and dealing with significant morbidity and increased mortality, a global crisis because there are a billion people in the world without doing any of accounting for 30% of the work.

It is a waste of the energies of the community effort to deprive society of his sons and the loss of the community spent on their education (70% of graduates of universities and secondary schools without a job).

It is a crisis is difficult and complicated in that one because of the deep roots which grew this crisis and of the (economic underdevelopment - our weakness in the global economy - the failure of development efforts - the external debt crisis - to comply with the programs dictated by the shrinkage Abanna the donor country) and economists is that the extent of the problem of security unemployment is 4% of the labor force and that a disaster is to shut down one of every 6 workers and the ratio in our country is 17.5% to 20 %......!!!!

The more serious problem:

1 - 50% of the population living near the poverty line (family income, about $ 50 per month) and enter the labor market of half a million young people every year looking for work, while the unemployment rate reaches 50% and 20% in cities.

The causes of unemployment

Causes of unemployment can be summarized as follows:

* State intervention in the normal functioning of the free market, especially as regards its intervention to ensure a minimum wage, since the reduction of wages and taxes are the skillful promotion of investment and thus create wealth and employment opportunities.
Forms of compensation for unemployment and labor laws.
* As well as severe poverty in the current economic thinking to understand the problem and ways out of the stream but there is thought to be convinced that the problem concerning the victims and that the unemployed are those who failed to adapt to the labor market.
* Reluctance of capitalists to invest If that does not gain enough production to meet their ambitions.
* Increase in population.
* The continued increase in the use of machinery, which requires higher productivity, reduced working hours and layoffs.
* After the Great Depression that hit the capitalist system in the early thirties (1929) and the high number of unemployed dramatically (12 million unemployed in the United States - 6 million in Germany) Some economists attributed the causes of unemployment to the mistakes of some capitalists who do not spend more enough to invest.
* Aggravate the effects of scientific and technological revolution on employment where she was Arts productivity, capital-intensive place of humanitarian action in many sectors of national economy and a decline in demand on the element of human labor.
* Transmission of a number of industries in the country's capital developed to developing countries through international corporate activity to take advantage of cheap labor in the country, the impact on the situation of local employment in these industries in the advanced capitalist countries.
* The tendency of many capitalist governments to adopt contractionary policies so it's natural to be scaled spending this year, investment in various fields. As a result of these policies reduced demand for labor.
* The withdrawal of the public sector of the recruitment process while he was at last provides one of every four jobs now increases the size of the problem because of its tendency to refer workers to retire early and stop the appointment of new employment.

* Increasing the pace of economic growth can create jobs (under globalized capitalism can achieve growth without job creation), and in industrialized countries can not increase the proportion of 2.5 percent because of supply constraints (not to destroy the economic fabric of the third world to resolve the crisis center through policies of structural adjustment and the debt results from the dismantling of the Third World industries and the transformation of consumer products, industrial countries).
* Reduce the cost of labor any reduction in wages lowers the cost of production and raise competitiveness and profitability.
* Change the terms of the labor market means a request to delete the minimum wage, cut Thmlat social security coverage and taxes, reduce or delete the unemployment compensation to reduce wages and stings of work (flexibility in wages and stings of work (

* Impossible to secure adequate resource for the maintenance of the unemployed without prejudice to the conditions of economic development.
* Returns the state's role in the economic and social ideas that give priority to the profitability of capital, ignoring social and human dimensions.
* Returns the humanitarian component of the work by 35% due to technology becoming posts are only to a minority of experience and competence and knowledge.
* The collapse of industries, such as the ancient craft of spinning and weaving which absorb 33% of the volume of employment.
* Conflict of monetary policies and incentives to invest a significant impact on exports, which declined significantly and reduces the chances of opening up new prospects for production, which accommodate the additional numbers of employment.
* Shaking the economic performance of a country built the boom and bust of the inability to buy from citizens and decreasing purchasing power meant a decline in production and increased inventory and reduced demand for labor.
* Understanding the phenomenon of foreign debt and obscene growth in debt service burdens and high inflation and occlusion of jobs and falling into the clutches of the donor country, which recommended that a deflationary policy (increasing interest rates - the pound liberalization - the removal of subsidies - for sale companies - to increase energy prices and services - increased Indirect taxes - layoffs).
* Lack of government control on economic decision due to the forces of donor countries and the implications of globalization and GATT and the farm states in the face of global industrial nations.

The results of unemployment:

Of unemployment contradictory results on the capitalist economic system and bourgeois society and the oppressed who lived in the shadow. On the one hand enable the capital to purchase the labor force, Bmahe commodity, the lowest price possible and access whenever he wants to cheap labor. Also enables the bourgeoisie as a class prevailed Ctfad Khazap the working class to the exploitation and power by dumping workers in fear of the consequences of loss of livelihood resource if they demanded higher wages because there is someone willing to work at less pay. On the other hand unemployment is, if they exceeded certain limits (according to every historical moment), a threat to the stability of the system as a whole (the revolution or fascism). Unemployment is a devastating and systematic survey of the forces of production (along with war), which lost to a very important human resources. And no less disastrous outcome of unemployment on the social level, where it became certain today that the crime and organic diseases and psychiatric and drug use ... Plays, including unemployment Irafaqaha the misery of the pivotal role and encouraging them.

Solutions to unemployment:

Economists do not see the bourgeoisie solution to the problem of unemployment only in two basic directions, the direction I see out of unemployment need to:

The fundamental solution to the issue of unemployment would require a restructuring of the economy on the basis of collective ownership of the means of production and meet the basic needs of all human beings outside the scope of capitalist profit, building another community where there is no success of the minority to live in luxury at the expense of the inability of the majority to reach a minimum of decent living .

The unemployment rate in Egypt in 2006, according to statistics from the Central Intelligence Agency 10.30% resulted from unemployment and a lot of social ills such as increased rates of sexual crimes, where 90% of perpetrators are unemployed and to increase illegal immigration to European countries and the huge number of Egyptian youth to commit suicide to feel despair because of unemployment, and their inability to support their families

In 2006, announced by the Egyptian Center to reduce unemployment and to defend human rights, the establishment of the first association of "unemployed" in Egypt, in an attempt to change their lives by providing them with employment opportunities

What is the treatment:

- To stimulate the forces of development in the community.

- The organization of supply and demand for labor and to achieve a balance between them, which requires the need to increase investments to accommodate the largest number of employment.

- The return of the welfare state protection and strengthen the state's role in reviewing wages and prices and confirm its authority in issuing laws that govern the operation of the market and to intervene with force in economic activity.

- To postpone the privatization program and selling companies.

- Coordination with the unions, banks and the establishment of large-scale projects do not rely on technology and the expansion of the training program in the field of handicrafts and semi-skilled manpower.

- Reform and restructuring of the textile sector and included investments in the sector to benefit from rehabilitation and to reduce the problem of unemployment.

- Without a real reform of the education will not improve any industry, large or small, must be re-looking at components of the education policy and training.

- We begin to find solutions in the field of agriculture, fisheries and land reclamation and food industries and integration with neighboring countries such as Sudan.

- Must immediately stop the policy of extension of service for staff and consultants the government to allow for young people.

- Encouraging the migration of labor with the work of the conventions and the development of laws to safeguard the rights of workers abroad and promoting cultural awareness among the workers with legal safeguards to ensure funds Egyptians abroad while upholding the State's role in it and the only true shepherd to the safety and rights of Egyptians working abroad.


1 - Unemployment in the Middle East to do? Dr. Ahmad Dar Publisher Arab Thought

2 - ways forward .... Dr Hana Atiya, King Fahd University

3 - Statistics of unemployment in Egypt ... Al-Arabi magazine No. 312

4 - Research entitled Global unemployment disaster ..... Translation of Dr. Emad Al-Shayeb

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